Green Tea with Amla
Green tea has several health benefits because of its antioxidant properties. The naturally occurring antioxidants in green tea can be boosted with the addition of Amla, which is full of vital nutrients like Vitamin C.
The Indian gooseberry, also known as Amla locally, is a common and famous fruit for its unique taste and source of rich nutrients. Biologically known as Phyllanthus emblica, the name Amla was derived from its Sanskrit equal amalaki.
Benefits of Amla
Amla has been quite a common ingredient in the Ayurvedic practices due to its affluence in vitamin C, iron and calcium. For centuries, Indian medicinal practitioners have been using both fresh and dried fruit. Various parts of the plant are put into use in different herbal preparations. As per Ayurveda, Amla has all sour, astringent, sweet, bitter and pungent taste. Naturally, it is an unusual mix of five tastes out of six recognized tastes in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda claims that Amla balances all the three doshas or body types – pitta, vata and kapha, the fundamental bio-elements.
Amla is favorite among health-conscious people because of its versatility. Internally, it is a natural coolant.
Amla is high in fiber that facilitates digestion. Its strong anti-inflammatory action promotes a healthy stomach and keep ulcers at bay. It has potent immune-booster and heart disease fighting abilities, enhances metabolism and reduces blood sugar.
Due to its diuretic qualities, Amla prevents constipation. Amla is quite effective in keeping the gall bladder and liver healthy by preventing formation of gall bladder stones and jaundice.
In addition to the above numerous benefits, Amla also cures sore throat, strengthens bones, purifies blood and improves eyesight.
Amla has shown to have fantastic results on skin, by reducing wrinkle formation and pigmentation and promoting skin brightening.
Shampoos and hair oils containing Amla are traditionally believed to nourish the hair and scalp by making the roots stronger,prevent premature greyingand proliferation of lice.
Benefits of Green Tea
Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants that protect body cells from damage from environmental toxins and free radicals. Free radicals are created on a regular basis due to impact of pollution in our system and can interfere with the normal cell functions. Green tea fights bacteria and virus that attack the teeth, thus reducing the chances of plaque, cavities and tooth decay.
Moderate amount of L-theanine and caffeine in green tea act in synergy that potentially enhance brain functioning without inflicting dependency like other high caffeine beverages tend to do. It boosts the metabolism thereby leading to oxidation of fat and subsequently dissolve fat selectively. Green tea lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes that results because of high sugar levels and insulin resistance. Antioxidants in the green tea protect the good cholesterol in blood from oxidation which can result in cardiovascular diseases.
Benefits of Green tea with Amla
Green tea with Amla reduces acidity, aids digestion and metabolism and detoxifies. The tea helps burn fat and supports weight loss. It manages LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in blood. Green tea with Amla drinkers can likely notice increased energy levels, immunity, better digestive ability, enhanced sleep quality and augmented mental acuity.
Green tea with finely chopped Amla berries is like the marriage of bests, making the combination one of the most powerful antioxidant-rich superfoods in the world.